Renal Carcinoma / Kidney Cancer - help please

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Renal Carcinoma / Kidney Cancer - help please

Hi everyone. My Dad has been unwell since November. He had a scan then which showed a 7cm lesion in his right kidney. He was referred to a Melbourne hospital for investigation (3 hr drive) and finally got booked in at the start of Feb and had a biopsy and renal study. He waited and waited and after several phone calls his results were sent to his GP on Friday. They confirmed a Clear cell Renal Carcinoma. There was no other info from the hospital about what next and his GP said it needs to come out and left it at that. Here we are bordering on 4 months this thing has been in him (that we know of), his iron is low, short of breath and very sick. I will be calling the hospital tomorrow but wanted some info from anyone that has it of what should happen next. Thanks

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Re: Renal Carcinoma / Kidney Cancer - help please

I can't understand why your father has not been referred to a Specialist dealing with kidney cancer on confirmation of diagnosis.Also you need much more information from his  GP about what is occurring ,I would be making an appointment ASAP with him and press for details.





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Re: Renal Carcinoma / Kidney Cancer - help please

I can only echo what KJ said, go back to the GP and ask for more details.  Also, at this stage, Google is not your friend!  I know it must be tempting to google what little information you have at the moment, but in my experience this will only lead to confusion and panic.  You could maybe ask the Cancer Council for reputable and relevant sources of information about kidney cancer to fill in your gaps.  We're all cheering you and your Dad on. love and hugs, Emily

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