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Hi everyone,
I am new to this group after calling the council about getting some help for my mental recovery. I recently went into remission from stage IV stomach cancer.
I was a healthy fit 33 year old and have just finished my last round of chemo. I've started tablets and have to continue on immunotherapy for the foreseeable future.
Just as I came out of this the world went into lockdown which hasn't helped obviously.
I'm grateful for getting my life back, especially after initially being told there was no hope for me. I'm finding it hard to adjust back and I guess there is a level of survivors guilt when I still have friends fighting it everyday.
I think naturally the biggest thing for me is a fear of recurrence. I still cry a lot and find myself getting anxiety at random moments.
I guess I started this thread to try and connect with anyone who is now in remission and how they managed. I am meditating, playing music, exercising and speaking to a psychologist as well.
I have only been in remission 4 months.
Thank you
Bugger I thought I had sent a reply weeks alas not sent sorry.
i was diagnosed S4 in June 2019 had 3 rounds of chemo an 2 round of radiation therapy finished Dec 2019
last two CT scans have come back clear, so I’m pleased about that. Stay positive stay focused set challenges and kick goals as even the small ones matter eat well be as STRONG as you can and love family and friends even more & above ALL Never Give Up 🆗👍👍👍
Wishing you all the very best for the future
Hi peter,
Thanks for your reply it helped me a lot. I was initially diagnosed as terminal in the public system so i guess that initial diagnosis weighs on me. I beat it and went into remission in 8 weeks which was nothing short of a miracle. I guess my age helped with that and my body had a really good response to immunotherapy.
My onco saw me on wednesday and said to stop taking my chemo pills as they were causing some side effects which weren't great. He also said next appointment I have to have my 6 month check up PET which triggered me a little bit. My tumour markers have remained low (like 3 and 10 when a normal persons is 38-40) so I have no reason to be anxious logically. I guess scanxiety is still a thing no matter how logical and well the first round of treatment went....
I think looking at your post once i pass the year mark (ironically past my prognosis date) still C free then I will start to relax.
Your post has kept me grounded and I am going to see my gp to get on a mental health plan on Monday. I have been seeing as psychologist once a fortnight which now I think may not be enough leading up to my scan.
Thanks again for your post Peter. Being stage IV doesn't mean you can't live a long life xx
Hi There
Sorry just found your reply post you described some very positive results which is good to hear
The journey is often like a roller coaster ride but with good Drs and support staff and the love of family and friends this makes such a big difference.
I have just finished round 3 of 4 rounds of FLOT treatment which has kicked me on my arse, with severe fatigue bit one day at a time agh, hardest thing is putting on weight pre op 02/12
117 is now 71 but that’s ok just buy smaller clothes ha ha hav
My next Treatment 06/01 will be followed with a PET scan apprehensive about results but still setting goals kicking many although the posts do move but ALWAYS positive and Determined.
Thinking of you and yours and prayers as for me these have helped but it never hurts to try if thats an avenue for you go for it
Rich Blessing Always 🆗🌺🌺🌺
Stage 4 cancer usually can't be cured. In addition, because it will have spread throughout the body, it is unlikely it can be completely removed.
Why is it necessary to write something like this? How do you think writing that makes any recent survivors feel?
We are worried enough about recurrence without negativity being posted on a forum that is meant to be a safe space for us.
And for the record I am a stage IV cancer survivor.... 3 years since my recovery and not a sign of cancer in my body.
Kindly Fuck off with your utter lack of tact and empathy
Hi Sav1986
Improvements in diagnosing and treating cancer mean that more people are surviving and living with cancer. Your experience of and recovery from Stage IV cancer demonstrates this. Thank you so much for sharing this with our community, which our team strives to ensure is a safe space for people affected by cancer.