Cancer Information & Support

Cancer Information

  • Cancer types

    Explore reliable and accurate information on different cancer types.

  • Treatment information

    The different types of cancer treatments and making the right treatment decisions.

  • Cancer questions and myths

    Find answers to questions and myths surrounding cancer including its causes and the impact of alternative therapies.

  • Living with cancer

    Dealing with the impact that cancer and its treatment have on many aspects of a person's life - emotions, work, finances, nutrition and exercise.

  • Life after cancer treatment

    Staying emotionally and physically healthy after treatment has finished.

  • Questions for your doctor

    You may find this checklist helpful when thinking about the questions you want to ask your doctor about your cancer and treatment.

  • When cancer won't go away

    It’s not always possible to cure cancer but treatment can enhance your quality of life and maintain your independence for as long as possible.

Meditation and Relaxations CDs

Mindful meditation is a powerful tool for handling stress and anxiety in your life.

In these CDs, Australian psychologist Dr Lisbeth Lane guides you through the basics of mindfulness, allowing you to find some peace from your busy thoughts. These simple exercises help you to take things one day at a time so you can focus more easily on the present, rather than worrying about the past or fearing the future.

Listen online or order a free copy of this CD by calling Cancer Council on 13 11 20.

Want more information? Please visit Cancer Council Information

Get support

  • Talk to someone who has experienced cancer

    Cancer Council has trained volunteers who can listen with unique understanding and share their experience to provide practical information and emotional support.

  • Telephone support groups

    Perhaps you are too unwell or your illness limits your ability to travel, in which case the Telephone Support Group program is a way to get support from home.

  • Legal & financial assistance

    Our national Pro Bono program can connect you with a lawyer, financial planner, accountant or HR/Recruitment professional who can help you, free for eligible clients.

  • Information for carers

    Need information for Carers? Please visit our Carers Page.

Can't find what you’re looking for? Please visit our Cancer Council Support page.

Cancer Council in your State or Territory

The information on this page is specific to Cancer Council NSW. For details about support services in your area, please click on your state or territory Cancer Council below:

I need help now
Contact Lifeline 13 11 1424 hours a day Online Chat7pm - 4am (AEST) 7 days
Talk to a health professional
Cancer Council support and information 13 11 20Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm