My mum is 75yo. I was rung at work by a neighbour of my mums, to tell me that she wasn't well and I should check in on her. This was 22 or 23/12/10. On the 27/12/10 she rang me advise she was in a lot of pain, couldn't eat and was throwing up. I drove to her place in Eastwood area from Blacktown and we went to emergency 27/12/10, after many tests she was told there was a "mass" in the pacreas and was sent home with a referral to a Doctor who was away on holidays until the 10/01/11!!! wt.... On the 29th due to the amount of pain she called the ambulance and was taken back to the same hospital. This time different doctors, who seemed more concerned and admitted her. On the 3rd Jan 2011 she was moved to RNS for an endoscopic biopsy. This confirmed our worse fears and she has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. From reading the release letter 7/1/2011 from RNS, 7th, I believe is is metastatic, and she has spots else where. I took her to her home (this is where she said she wanted to go) where her partner is older and he was being taken care of by her previously. I went home and didn't sleep much. The following day I drove down and went to Woolies for them, called the GP to arrange home visits to start the ball rolling for some home care help. The neighbour rang me again that night to say that "the partner" couldn't care for her and so I arrange with my brother to meet me there the next day, help me pack some things and bring her to my house. I didn't really give her much of a choice. I just told her I was taking her to my place. Her partner just said 'ok'. I think it was what she wanted but wouldn't ask, even though I had told her many times that she could always come to my place. There is more but I should go to bed and try to get some sleep... finish this tomorrow. Just typing this out is helping a bit...
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