Finally I have started the next phase of the journey with my lymphoma. It has progress to the stage that I finally needed to have treatment six rounds of Bendamustine and Rituximab without chops, I had my first treatments over  2 days had a slight reaction but nothing serious. Through out the month had no real side effects other than a some slight head aches and nausea, slight fatigued also some chemo brain and  I managed to work through the month with Little time off,had second treatment today with no problems and go back tomorrow for another doss of Bendamustine only for about one and hour hours , My care team at Nepean cancer centre have been wonderful , I hope to report more about this months feelings and  hope anyone who is going through the same follicular treatment as I is have good results and very little side effects wish you all well and stay strong and positive best wishes Steve

1 Comment

I hope that all went well Steve.

take care 


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