Feel good, enjoyments of life...


Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

How about this one.... At Westfield one day for a takeaway treat. Before eating Bjjwants to go wash up so off we head to the toilet. She is running off in front off me and is halfway into the mens loo when I catch her. ?What are you doing baby, that's the mens toilet.' Urgent stage whisper 'Mum I am wearing pants'. Obviously quite used to Bj's quirky comments I didnt question it. Wasn't until we sat down facing the toilets that I twigged on that one. 🙂 People looked at my weird when I just lost it laughing.
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

Samex I am glad Bj makes your day. She is actually an actress in films so is a very animated little character. I couldn't even begin to describe the facial expressions haha
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