Head & Neck cancer

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Head & Neck cancer

Hi My Name is Allan 

 I have been Diagnosed with neck cancer from an unknown source  every step on this journey has been different  from the initial diagnosis to seeing the specialists  I have had 6 biopsies and a biopsy on the base of my tongue and tonsil area  we are waiting for the results to come back.

but to the ENT doctors credit they referred me to the Nepean cancer clinic which I met with the radiation oncologists last Thursday what a breath of fresh air the team were  waisting no time in getting my therapy started.

I will be having radiation  therapy over 7 weeks with chemotherapy in conjunction with it ,

I have already had the mask fitted for the therapy and have to have peg surgery as well to be sure I get the nutrition I need during the treatment 

this my story so far 


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Re: Head & Neck cancer

HI Allen 

How did it all go for you.

I start on Monday mine is on the tonsil


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