Helping my partner deal with his dad with cancer

Occasional Visitor

Helping my partner deal with his dad with cancer

Hi All,

My partner has an extremely hard time opening up about what his dad is going through and his dad’s condition is quickly deteriorating. All i feel like i can do (where doing long distance atm) is comfort him by giving him a phone call or asking if he is ok. He doesn’t like talking about his dad and how much it affects him, so it’s been hard to try and slowly get him to open up. I am extremely aware of the situation and other family members update me. I just don’t know how i can help by saying i’m there for him and asking if he is ok without being naggy or overwhelming him. He is really not ok about the situation and everyone is worried for him. Is there any way I can help him or other approaches on how to talk to him?

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Helping my partner deal with his dad with cancer

Hi Anonymous20,


Thank you for reaching out to the community. It sounds like such a tough time for everyone right now. I'm glad you're touching base with everyone here to get some thoughts/advice and support.

Everyone reacts so differently to cancer, both as a patient but also as a carer/partner. It can feel like such a powerless situation at times for some people.


From our perspective, please know that you, your partner, or even his father can ring our 13 11 20 information line for a debrief, or a referral to our emotional support services. We have a carers telephone support group, as well a counselling service which any of you can use confidentially.


Please give us a call if you need any additional help, or pass on our details to him and maybe he will touch base with us.


Thinking of you all,



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