Lung cancer

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Lung cancer


I have a  family member diagnosed with stage 4 ,terminal lung cancer.

He is currently having chemotherapy but it doesn't appear to be working. He is deteriorating extremely fast and my beautiful sister is careing for him. They are both physically and mentally broken. Live in a beautiful place in the country which they went to retire but it's been extremely sad.

No family or friend support as they are 14hrs drive away. It's breaking our hearts.

I am extremely close to my sister and her pain is excruciating. I just feel helpless. Does anyone have any ideas of where I could turn to arrange a surprise of  something positive and happy for them?? I don't know where to turn and no he doesn't have alot of time.

Bless all of you and thank you xxxxx

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Re: Lung cancer

Hello, is he having radiation as well? And what do you mean by deteriorating very quickly?
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