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Re: New to the Forum

Hi Yasmin

I had my lung biopsy on Friday morning, and it was an awful experience.  I was awake during the procedure.  I had to lay on my back and they came in through my chest and I started coughing up blood straight away. After they took the samples I got what I learnt is called a pneumothorax and I had to be admitted into hospital.  Basically air leaked from my lung into my chest.  I am home now but my chest is still making a clicking noise when I breath. 
I hope all goes well with your procedure.

New Contributor

Re: New to the Forum

Hi Paul,

So sorry to hear that your biopsy was so traumatic. How awful for you. I hope you’re starting to feel better, are being well looked after and you’re breathing is starting to settle. Also hope that the treatment you require isn’t as brutal as what you’ve already experienced.


I know I’ve certainly had moments of self pity, being scared of what the future holds and self consciousness as random people stare at my scarred & still slightly swollen jaw post surgery but I’m still here. All perfectly normal emotions as we process and live with the c-word. Not looking forward to my next lung biopsy on Friday but we just have to do what we have to do.  But it does suck! 

Hang in there & stay strong. We’re still here so we’re winning 💪😁




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