Recent diagnosis possible 4th stage cervical cancer

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Recent diagnosis possible 4th stage cervical cancer

Hi I am a 47yr old female, recently diagnosed with possible 4th stage cervical cancer. I also have a fracture in my L2 of my spine. Constant sore back , I had a bone biopsy done, despite receiving results of a previous scan, that indicated  no lesions I still had to have the bone biopsy.  Also an abdominal scan said the mass in my cervix was encased in a " bubble of fluid. Yet to find out how bad it is, and the next course of treatments.Has anyone had a similar experience?

I am very worried, as I am a mum of two, and a loving partner. Fearful, if I stand a chance of surviving this.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Recent diagnosis possible 4th stage cervical cancer

Hi Kaz13,

I am sorry to hear of your current uncertain diagnosis. I hope it is not as bad as you think.

Thanks for sharing this with our community, we are here to listen and to provide some words of support.

Please stay strong and if you are living in Australia please call 131120 to speak to one of our supportive oncologist nurses.


Kind regards


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