after treatment problems


after treatment problems

Hello there, my name is christine but like to be called Chrissy. last july i was diagnosed with cervical cancer to be very fair i was fast tracked and started treatment almost immediatly.there werea lot of problems that cropped up but were dealt with. i had 25 sessions of radiotherapy, i found the side effects much much harder than the treatment itself.

  I alsohad 2 sessions of internal therapy, my lst treatment was the 8th of october 2021.I had to wait for 3 month scans. My consultant rang me and said they were very pleased with the results, that was the good news the bad news was they hhad found some activity just above where the first cancer was(i must get this cleared up i dont know where this second cancer is.)

  Also a couple of weeks ago i started having pains in my legs and weakness esp at the knees. it has affected my walking and dont know what to do about it. It was also around this time i got covid, was not really ill just a cold, but thats when these aches and pains started.Any ideas?



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