Hi All,
I would like to run something past you all.
When Wazza had bleeding from his neobladder, his GP sent him for an ultrasound. While having his ultrasound this was how the conversation went between Wazza & the ultrasound operator.
After a few minutes of the ultrasound going over his abdomen.
Wazza said to the ultrasound operator.
Wazza: How does it look in there.
Operator: Kidneys look good, your new bladder looks OK, your prostate looks good.
Wazza: I don't have prostate.
Operator: What am I looking at then. Operator calls doctor in, they probe a little more. Doctor books Wazza in for a CT scan.
Wazza has a CT scan some days later. CT scan report says.
38mm x 37mm x 36mm mass in the right hemipelvis between the created bladder and the rectum is consistent with tumour recurrence of metastatic lymphadenopathy. The tumour has grown bigger since that CT scan.
A CT scan he had six months earlier said, all clear. Was that because they thought he had a prostate? Do they ever read the forms you fill out before you have scans saying what operations you've had & what bits are missing. If Wazza hadn't asked the ultrasound operator how it was in there, he would have received an all clear again.
By the time it was realised it was a tumour not his prostate, Wazza's tumour had penetrated through his new neobladder. Could this have been avoided if they realised he didn't have a prostate earlier? These questions & a lot more will haunt me. If his tumour had of been picked up earlier, it certainly would have given him a lot more time with treatment. Not that he would have been cured. Another one falls through the cracks.
We know you can be clear of cancer one day & all over you the next. What's done is done. Moving on.
Take care Merkel
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