Hi All, I'm new to blogging and to this site. I'm hoping to learn about anyone out there diagnosed with Adrenal Cancer. It's very rare and is basically tumors on the lungs. My sister-in-law was diagnosed 2 years ago while pregnant with their second child. My little niece was born by c-section at 27 weeks and 4 days after her being born my sister-in-law had surgery to remove a tumor off her adrenal glad. 6 months after that she was told it had spread to her lungs and now her liver. Has anyone ever heard of this type of cancer before and can anyone offer any advice?? Would love to hear from someone. Thanks 🙂
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Hi Kylie, Here's a couple of suggestions for additional places to go on the internet in search of information and support relating to adrenal cancer. You can read about adrenal cortical cancer and its treatment on the American Cancer Society website in their section "Adrenal Cortical Cancer" at www.cancer.org/cancer/adrenalcorticalcancer/index and on the USA's National Cancer Institute's website in their section "Adrenocortical Carcinoma" at www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/adrenocortical. The Facebook group "Adrenalcortical Carcinoma - Adrenal Cancer" at www.facebook.com/groups/AdrenalcorticalCarcinoma/ currently has 902 members. It can be a tough battle when cancer spreads and I hope your sister-in-law is doing okay. Cheers - Ed.
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