My father had battled cancer for almost 10 years. His first cancer was in his kidney which his kidney was removed. Later it went to his lungs as small cell carcinoma. Further along it went to his adrenal gland, bones and then brain. He was too old for any treatment. 4 weeks ago he ended up in hospital in excruciating pain, that's when they found the tumours in the brain and that the cancer went to the bones, which caused multiple fractures. During the 4 weeks I couldn't get over how fast he declined. Seeing my once strong father reduced to being looked after like an infant. Sitting by his bedside at home watching his breaths becoming less and less until he passed away peacefully Thursday morning. It was my first ever experience being with a dead body and I felt scared. I'm scared about the future without my dad. Yesterday was the first time I cried. I never cried from beginning but I most certainly did at the end.

Occasional Contributor

I know it has been a month since your dad's passing but I wanted to reach out and say I am sorry for your loss. I too lost my dad from cancer, as well as two sisters, and I was also in the room when one of my sister's passed away. Be grateful for the time you had and the fact they are no longer in pain. I love to go somewhere quiet and think about all the things they meant to me and tell myself I was blessed to have them in my life for so long. My father had a great innings, my sister's not so long. Big hugs. Your father will never be forgotten.

New Member

Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to focus on the positive side. But my missing him takes over

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