Exercise outside

New Contributor

Exercise outside

Hi everyone, reading some of your stories, sending lots of love and support to everyone going through treatment and their families. I am going through breast cancer treatment at the moment so my family and i know and sympathise with the struggles that we all have.

I wanted to ask about outside exercise: i am currently in a cancer lodge for 3 more weeks and we have been told to self isolate, no visitors etc. Not sure if i should be going out for a walk or not. Otherwise I'm going to go stir crazy by the end of my stay here.

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Re: Exercise outside

Hi Shelby 40,

Tough being cooped up isn’t it. If your able to get out for a walk, without being in contact with anyone, to my way of thinking it’s being isolated from threat anyway. So long as you don’t come into contact with anything & one.

I maybe wrong, often am, but that’s the way I see it.

Good luck....Lindsay

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Re: Exercise outside

Thanks Lindsay, yeah that's what i thought as well, but gonna check when i go for radio today. Take care.

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