Hi I am new, need support my mum suddenly got diagnosed with liver cancer stage 4

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Hi I am new, need support my mum suddenly got diagnosed with liver cancer stage 4

It was mid December 2010 my mum was hospitalized for pneumonia, two weeks after she feel over in the bathroom while she still under hospital treatment. Her pelvic was fractured but it got fixed through laser surgery. Weird thing her health got deteriorate and her stomach was swollen. She had biopsy done in mid January was confirmed she had liver cancer that quite aggressive. She had TACE done on February which made her felt really ill. Beginning march she came out from hospital due to hospital bill that cost an arm and a leg. So we tried alternative treatment kind of herbal medication called TYPHONIUM FLAGELLIFORME (in latin) or (RODENT TUBER in English). However while on herbal medication she was banned to eat anything greasy, sugary, salty and dairy product. She also wasn’t allowed to eat any kind of meat but only certain vegetables and lots of legume. However my mum lost lots of weight. She said felt fine but she lost appetite due to all the food she consumed taste so plain. So her energy gone down hill, she end up being hospitalised again until present time. She now eats through feeding tube. My question is does anyone out there has any experience with liver cancer. If you do, could you please tell me how successful TACE in treating liver cancer. I know there is no cure yet but how long the suffered could live after TACE? Also does anybody know much about TYPHONIUM FLAGELLIFORME (in Latin) or (RODENT TUBER in English)? We were recommended by a cancer specialist but we don’t know if it would only work case by case. Thank you kindly.
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Re: Hi I am new, need support my mum suddenly got diagnosed ...

Hi there my daughter 18, has stage 4 rectal cancer and i was just relating to your attempt at herbal remedies, we too tried this and have experiened the weight loss due to the lack of variety and such bland foods its not easy to find dairy, wheat, gluten, sugarless, fatless, saltless foods, coming from a girl who loved her food sometimes found comfort in food, im lucky to even get 1 meal into her. What do you do when doctors seem to have no hope and herbal makes you physically sick (she started vomitting when she took her herbals) and you just stop eating and bed is your best friend. I didint know about this TYPHONIUM FLAGELLIFORME but after loooking it up if thats what your mum wants to try give it ago you have nothing to loose. Rachael
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