Hi - I'm new here

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Hi - I'm new here

Hello, My mum was diagnosed with actute myeloid leukaemia with acute myeloid fibrosis very recently, and has just finished her first week of chemo. It's just awful to see her so ill, and to see my dad's heart breaking...almost unbearably awful. However, it's so comforting to know that there are others going through a similar experience here- you seem like a really supportive group of people. I would love to know what you draw on to cope in such a situation (any ideas would help!!), as this has all happened so suddenly to us, and things just seem chaotic right now. Thank you and all the best 🙂 K
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Re: Hi - I'm new here

Hi I am new here. I am from Tassie. Need some advise about breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
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