Just wondering how other people cope with CUP metastatic liver Disease

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Just wondering how other people cope with CUP metastatic liver Disease

Good afternoon I am new to this website and just wondering how other people cope with this disease. My husband was diagnosed in January 2015 and was told without treatment he wouldn't live 3 months, that was so hard for us to hear, we just got married in December 2013 been together for the last 10 years, we have had our ups and downs but we are still together and love each other and now this happens to us. I am finding that family members are trying to tell you have to grieve, act, I don't respect his family feelings and how you should treat this information about your loved one, I feel like I am a human punching bag at times and so I am wondering is this normal. I believe I have done nothing wrong, I am not hiding the fact that my husband is sick, we have (my husband and I) a huge network of family and friends who supports us daily and his family expects me to shut my mouth and tell no one and I am not entitled to support. I am just wondering if other people out there are experiencing the same issues as I am thanks
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Re: Just wondering how other people cope with CUP metastatic ...

Hi Porkie I have metastatic breast cancer with secondary liver and bone cancer early stages. This is my second time around after 14yrs a survivor. I am sorry the family are being difficult I chose not to discus it with people who weren't relevant, so only the chosen few are aware and that goes for both family and friends. I found you get tired of everyone else's opinions who usually have little or no experience of cancer and what it entails. I have just done 6 months of chemo and have been diagnosed with asthma (better than lung cancer) so I am dealing with that also. I hope you take the time to care for you as this will help your partner.
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