New here. Lost husband 6 mths ago to Melanoma

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New here. Lost husband 6 mths ago to Melanoma

Hi I'm a new member and not sure what to do. I lost my husband who was 40 from Melanoma early in January. 6 months on it is still hard to believe that it is real and some days I wish he wold come home even though I know it's not possible. I'm doing ok most of the time but it would be nice to connect with others who are going through similar experiences.I have a 7 yr old girl who struggles at times and it's hard to see as I can't do much to ease her pain apart from be there and let her talk and listen. Does anyone know if there is anything for younger kids who have lost a parent through cancer.I know there is Canteen but that is for older kids 12 and over I think. It would be helpful for her to be able to connect with other kids as at the moment she feels like the odd one out. Thanks.
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Re: New here. Lost husband 6 mths ago to Melanoma

Dove Really feel for both of you all I can say is contact the cancer council maybe they can point you in the right direction sorry i cant offer you any more direction, hopefully some one on the forum can best wishes kj
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