Help!!! Is that possible that cancer started and hit stage 4 in less than 9 months!!???!!

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Help!!! Is that possible that cancer started and hit stage 4 in less than 9 months!!???!!

My dad found out that he has a fatty liver Aug 2015. The Ultrasound result stated that he got fatty Liver and mild wall thickened at gallbladder 4 mm, all blood test are normal He had CT scan again on Nov 2015, noted that he got a fatty Liver and mild wall thickened at gallbladder 5.5 mm, all blood test are normal Had blood test again in March and July 2016, all normal After the blood test in July, he felt like food was not digest properly. He went back to the doctor again and got MRI scan and found out that he got Gallbladder Cancer stage 4 and it spread to liver and Lymph node. I was so shock, numb and really cant believe it. I didnt cry until this morning that it hit me and still cant stop crying. The doctor said he cant have a surgery because the cancer has spread to liver and lymph node but suggest Chemo. Im not sure if it a good idea since I have heard a lot of bad thing about Chemo. I am really wonder if it possible that cancer started and hit stage 4 and spread all around to liver and lymph node in less than 9 months as the result of the last CT scan and blood test were normal in Nov 2015
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