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Has anyone had treatment (SIRTetc) for advanced liver cancer then rejected surgery? What has your journey been like ? Thanks on advance.
Hi Angie
I understand that you're looking for someone who has experienced using this treatment. I'm sorry, I can't help you with this but the Cancer Council some online information that you might find to be helpful. If not, you could call the 13 11 20 telephone support line. They will be open on Tuesday, from 9 - 5. It's manned by allied health workers, if they don't have the information, they may be able to point you in the right direction.
Liver cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Cancer Council. I hope you get the information you need.
Hi Angie,
my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer last week, they mentioned they may do Sirtex for him or traditional radiation therapy. Did you end up finding anyone that has had any experience with the sirtex?
Hi Rosa
Yes my husband had SIRT* last January (12 months ago) and it was very successful - he lost a lot of weight in the first month but since then he is virtually back to normal - his blood markers went from 475 down to 4 and he is technically in remission. He has just had a CT Scan and we will get the results from te Oncologist at the end of Feb - so figures crossed the cancer is stagnant. The treating Dr was David Ericksen at John Flynn Hospital - he was excellent. Good Luck!
*SIRT, also known as radioembolisation, is a nuclear medicine treatment designed for primary and metastatic liver cancers like hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Hi Angie, thank you for the reply.
my dads blood markers are 1200 so I’m not sure if it can help him. So Glad to hear your husband is in remission.
how many times did they insert the beads, or was it a one time thing?
did your husband have any pain once the procedure was done? Apart from the weight loss.
It was a one-time treatment (13 months ago now). The pain initially was moderate but now he is pain free. Awaiting results of his annual MRI at the end of the month.
I think it is worth getting the treatment as it was relatively painless and a short time period following - for a great outcome.
Good luck