Liver cancer treatment vs surgery

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Liver cancer treatment vs surgery

Has anyone had treatment (SIRTetc) for advanced liver cancer then rejected surgery?  What has your journey been like ? Thanks on advance.

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Liver cancer treatment vs surgery

Hi Angie

I understand that you're looking for someone who has experienced using this treatment.  I'm sorry, I can't help you with this but the Cancer Council some online information that you might find to be helpful. If not, you could call the 13 11 20 telephone support line.  They will be open on Tuesday, from 9 - 5.  It's manned by allied health workers, if they don't have the information, they may be able to point you in the right direction.  

Liver cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Cancer Council.  I hope you get the information you need.  

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