Neulasta or pegfilgrim

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Neulasta or pegfilgrim

Hi everyone. I am knew to this forum and am looking for information on the drug neulasta (or pegfilgrim) I have a parent having chemotherapy for bowel cancer . Several chemotherapy cycles have been missed due to low neutrophils. We understand that neulasta can be used to boost the neutrophils. We have been told by the oncologist that my parents is not eligible for neulasta. It is not clear why though there does seem to be a cost issue. I would love to know if anyone with bowel cancer has been treated with this drug in Australia. Any information greatly appreciated.
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Re: Neulasta or pegfilgrim

Hi Rosebud If you go to Dr Google and type in neulastin TGA you will get all the information you need from the Therapeutic Good Administration. If you go to the following website , it is all there. From what I can see it is available on the PBS but a special application has to be made. cheers Sailor It is the weather, not work, that wears out sails. Thomas Fleming Day
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