Pleomorphic Lobular Cancer

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Pleomorphic Lobular Cancer

Hi, My mother has just been diagnosed with grade three breast cancer - the surgeon has told me that it is a Pleomorphic Lobular carcinoma. I was just wondering if anybody has this type of cancer or any family members suffering from it? My mother is really struggling to deal with the news as the surgeon has stated that after chemo and radiation therapy the cancer will definitely come back as it is a very aggressive form of breast cancer. I guess I am looking for some idea of what is to come and any hints and tips when getting ready for chemo and radiation therapy that I can pass onto my Mum. Thanks,
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Re: Pleomorphic Lobular Cancer

Hi JesseBear sorry I cant help you with that particular cancer (I've not heard of it) - but I can help you with breast cancer. I was diagnosed 2 years ago and had a mastectomy with full axilla clearance (all lymph nodes removed in underarm and arm as all were cancerous). My initial diagnosis was advanced breast cancer with widespread bony mets (which just means that the cancer has already spread throughout my skeleton - most bones being affected). Chemo is certainly not the easiest of treatments, but there are drugs that are given to the patients to help combat nausea, etc. Your mum will feel like she has been hit with a Mack truck, the tiredness is 'all consuming' and the emotions 'run riot' - but she will get through it. I used to tell myself that if the chemo was making me feel sick - just imagine what it was doing to the nasty little cancer cells!! Radiation affects people differently and also depends on the radiation strength - again she will be extremely tired and she may have skin discomfort or some burning - dont be alarmed the radiation staff are wonderful and they have lots of hints and creams for the skin. I dont want to detract from this site, but there is also the bcna website (just Google it) which is specifically for Breast Cancer. You may find this extremely helpful - Mind you, in having said that, there are wonderful people on this site too. It's natural for your mum and you to feel overwhelmed, we all do, regardless of what type of cancer we have. Things will settle down eventually and you will find that if you just 'go with flow' you both will get through this. I hope all goes well. Di 🙂
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Re: Pleomorphic Lobular Cancer

I have this variant, and am undergoing treatment for a recurrence right now. Your Mother will be okay! Maybe the cancer will return, maybe not. You don't know when or where so there is nothing gained by worrying. Traditional treatments work very well and as long as your Mum keeps up with checkups and continues to follow her doctor's advice she will be with you a long time. What stage is she? What grade is the tumor? These are more significant factors than the pleomorphic type. As long as your team treats the cancer aggressively and your Mum has a healthy lifestyle there is no reason to think she is doomed. Best of luck to both of you during this emotionally confusing time.
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