career for my husband

Occasional Contributor

career for my husband

Morning A friend suggested this site, after having gone through similar issues. My husband was diagnosed just over 2 years ago with anaplastic oligodendroglioma (brain tumour) it is a stage 3 cancer does not progress to a stage 4 and does not metastasize. He has now had 2 tumours removed from the left size of his brain, new tumours will continue to apear. The last tumour was removed feb this year with de bulking and debraiding of the dead brain matter after radium. We live life day to day, he has just spent an extended stay in hospital caused from a small scratch on his leg which proved to cause more complications than the cancer. This is a very rare tumour type, and our doctors have been unable to tell us much of the progression with how things will be. Would love to hear from anyone else dealing with this tumour type or similar. Thanks
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Re: career for my husband

Hi there! While my husband's cancer is rare as well. I agree.... Live life day to day, looking forward is too scary and looking back is too exhausting!! Sending you much energy this cold night...... PA
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Occasional Contributor

Re: career for my husband

Thankyou, We have at least had good news this time from a short stay in hospital all the added complications from my hubbies leg going septic from a small scratch then the ensueing lung issues when the infection traveled to his lung causing a gretefruit sized absess have now all nearly gone much to the Drs disbelief. So we are home again and Brucie is slowly rebuilding his strength. Life goes on and we take each day as comes cause another day is another day and i hope to have many more.
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