Breast Cancer Grade 3 aggressive and could be very late staging

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Breast Cancer Grade 3 aggressive and could be very late staging

I was diagnosed with BC on 2 May. Initial ultrasound biopsy shows that it's grade 2 , I just had right mastectomy and axillary clearance on 19 May and the report shows that it's grade 3  aggressive and the tumor is 7cm. As it is grade is 3, now my surgeon wants a ultrasound biopsy on my left breast which initially shows as burnout fibroadenoma. He wants to make sure it's not cancerous. During my left breast biopsy, the Dr finds 2 small legions next to the fibroadenoma. SO I will be back to do more biopsy on that 2 legions next week. My PET scan shows suspicious activity in my liver so I just did a liver MRI. I am going to have oncologist appointment next Thurs so that I would know all the report outcome. Meanwhile, I'm devastated, defeated and lost. I felt the cancer has spread all over my body. I'm seeking for encouragement or advise to be calm and accept the fact. Any words of wisdom n support is appreciated please.

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