Hi RJMCG, very sorry to hear of your GBM diagnosis. I have been travelling this path for the last three and a half years, as my daughter was diagnosed with a Grade 2 Oligoastrocytoma in February 2011. At that time we were told it was inoperable and she had a craniotomy followed by radiation. We excepted this and has been my wish she get a second opinion, which she now has. This came a out because I read a book called "Three Quotes from a Plumber," written by Sally White. Sally is a survivor, and encouraged by her sister who said to her, If you were building a house you would get three quotes from a plumber. So asked her to get another opinion. She had further surgery and is going great. Dr Charlie Teo did her surgery in Sydney, Sally lives in Melbourne. There is a strong possibility my daughter can now have surgery, we will know this at the end of September when she has hern next MRI. As my daughter is 40 with 3 young children she looks after them and her husband, I do all the research and have joined many groups to get as much information as possible. My daughter lives in Central Qld but I live in Brisbane. A group of people who are great are called Brain Tumour Alliance Australia, (BTAA) they are advocates for patients and their families and have a lot of information they would be only to happy to forward to you. The contact I can tell you is a lovely lady called MaryAnne Rosier, they have a phone free call line 1800 857 221 or email btsupport@btaa.org.au. Also another group called Braincancer - GBM Support & Awareness website is btsurvivor.com I hope I have helped you in some small way, please feel free to ring me also my landline is 0733725949 or mobile 0412283767. We are all hoping for the same thing here a Cure. I will keep you in my thoughts. We found it much easier to deal with once we got more information. Kindest regards Pdh.