Scared beyond words

New Member

Scared beyond words

I have recently been diagnosed with very agressive breast cancer.   It has been four weeks of pure torture and it has seriously been messing with my head.   When I was first diagnosed I thought 'okay we can deal with this it is just in my breast' then as the weeks have been going on it has progressed from having a mastectomy with chemo and radio to having that cancelled as they have found it in my liver and the lymph nodes in my groin...the only good news that I have had is that it is not in my bones!! I am seeing the oncologist tomorrow to find out what happens from here..I am scared out of my mind and am now prone to major anxiety attacks.  I just want to go back to my old life when all I had to complain about was how I was not enjoying my job!!

Community Manager

Re: Scared beyond words

Hi Suzy - have just read your post and have sent you a private message as we have some support services that would really help you at this scary time. Gabrielle from Cancer Council

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