Testicular cancer

New Contributor

Testicular cancer

I have just had Testicular cancer. I had it removed in March. Now i have to have chemotherapy. I am scared about this treatment.


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Re: Testicular cancer



It is daunting when facing Chemotherapy ,you don’t know how your body will respond to the treatment or side effects,  but if it will increase your chances for survival then it needs consideration,I have seen some suffer with side effects,and yet seen others go through Chemo with not many side effects,our bodies all react differently best wishes


New Contributor

Re: Testicular cancer

Hi Kj.
Thanks for your support.
My Treatment starts on the 4th June.
I will be in the Hospital for a week.
It's hard to fight for this Cancer but i have got my Family to Support me as well. My 2 Brothers and their Family's. I am 48 years old and i have a Disability. This is why i am scared of the treatment. Once again Thanks for your support.
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