Help us find out if cancer and chemotherapy affect memory and thinking


Help us find out if cancer and chemotherapy affect memory and thinking

Concord Hospital Study (not affiliated with Cancer Council)


About the study
This study will obtain information about side effects that might occur as a result of chemotherapy in older breast cancer survivors. These include tiredness, and subtle changes in the ability to think, concentrate, remember and react to things (cognitive function). There is growing awareness that these
issues can affect the quality of life of breast cancer survivors, and if we can discover what is causing these symptoms, then we can look at strategies to prevent or overcome them.

Who can take part in the study?
The study compares two groups of people:
• women diagnosed with early breast cancer at 65 years or older who have  completed chemotherapy in the previous 6 months-5 years;
• women of a similar age who have no history of cancer.

Early breast cancer is cancer that hasn’t spread outside the breast to other parts of the body.


What is involved?
On one occasion only at Concord Hospital (in Sydney, NSW) you will be asked to:
* complete a series of tasks that measure your cognitive function. A research assistant will guide you
through the tasks.

* fill out some simple forms that ask about how you’ve been feeling and getting on recently.


We would like you to participate whether or not you have noticed changes in your memory and thinking.
In total this study will take between 2 to 3 hours of your time. We are not able to reimburse you for your travel to Concord Hospital but we can provide free parking during the assessment.


Researcher contact details
If you would like to know more about the study, please contact the study coordinator, Corrinne Renton, on 1800 778 167.

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