Hi again...How are you all travelling?


Hi again...How are you all travelling?

Hi everyone, Re introducing myself to you all after a quiet period online. Im Annie Miller and Manager of the Cancer Survivorship Unit at Cancer Council NSW. Put simply our unit is here for you to "Help Life get Better" and if we cant directly assist you we can certainly try to link you up to the relevant services and provide you with as much information and support as we can. Yes we are in NSW but we can still help navigate through the country and beyond plus the more we can all share online the less isolated you may feel. With my personal "hat" on, I have had 6.5 years very hands on experience as a carer and being on the "other" side of the consulting desk certainly was a good inspiration for me to do the work I do. There were many dark lonely exhausting times but one thing I did find worked for me was to blog online between midnight and 4am which gave me great solace. Looking forward to much more activity online and working behind the scenes to get things happening on our website and certainly with the team, building the Young Adults 18 - 45 work in to day to day activity. If you are a young adult, check out the latest conversation following on from our workshops over the last month and join in, even if you didnt attend. There are lots of wonderful people to chat to and we can catch you up with tip and strategies that were shared http://www.cancerconnections.com.au/content/sht-cancer-dumps Be back soon and if there is anything we can assist you with or you want to chat about, put it out there Cheers Annie
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