Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Cancer Council Team

Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hello Sam19,

I am very sorry to hear about your young dauther's diagnosis. I hope some of our community members can share their thoughts and experiences with you.

Sam if you or your daughter are Australian residents, I would like to suggest calling our support and information line on 131120.  They will be able to suggest services available for the both of you if needed.


Warm regards


Cancer Council

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Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Thank you

I am overwhelmed and distraught today to find that we cannot get any psychology oncology support because she is being treated in the John Hunter Hospital and you can only get Oncology Psychology support if you are treated at the Calvary Mater in Newcastle. Both are public hospitals but it seems that you don’t require cancer support for thyroid cancer. All other cancers (aside from gynae which offer support at JHH) are treated at the Mater. Does anyone know where we can get support. Also looking for support or direction for her MH in regards to hair loss and dead hair. I know they compared to cancer, dead hair sue to thyroid issues is not as significant, but as a young woman it is having a huge impact on her wellbeing (as well as the cancer) any advise so very welcome. 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Sam19,

Please call our information and support line on 13 11 20, Cancer Council provides counselling service for you and your daughter, our oncologist nurses can also give you some information about hair loss or any other clinical questions you may have.


Kind regards


Cancer Council

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Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Katherine,

I was also diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2021 when I was 28 and underwent 2 surgeries to remove my thyroid and some lymph nodes as well. I am now clear but I feel like I have only just begun to process all that I went through and I am struggling with my physical recovery ad maintaining my work! I also have people tell me I had the 'good cancer' which makes me feel like a bit of a fraud and that I don't deserve as much support as others. I would love to connect and chat about our experiences if you are still looking for more people to connect with 🙂


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Occasional Contributor

Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Sam - So sorry for the late reply... I have only just seen your post 


I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis. How is she doing now? 


I didn't experience anything major with my hair other than dryness. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Gaby! 


Thank you for sharing your experience. 


If only we had a dollar for everytime we heard the phrase 'good cancer'. There's no such thing. 


I am the same. It took me years to process what happened. I went through a depressive episode in 2022 but have come out on the other side feeling much better. 


It's still difficult though. Alot of health anxiety. I am now 5 months pregnant as well, which is amazing considering the cancer experience. 


What else is on your mind? 

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Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Sam, I'm so sorry about your current struggles with your daughter's diagnosis. I have experienced hair loss (although not from my thyroid cancer). I lost my hair when I was in year 12 due to heavy medication for my autoimmune condition that I still have. It was hugely distressing and traumatic to happen at that age and leading into my HSC. I felt very alone in this experience and was adamant that it had to remain a secret which I would not recommend - hiding it was exhausting and stressful which resulted in me withdrawing from activities I loved like swimming and dancing, as well as socially. Unfortunately for me my hair loss lasted a lot longer than expected (many years).


I feel like nowadays there is a lot more out there in terms of advice and positive role models (the positive side of social media!). I really wish I had that as a young girl! I would recommend looking into hair extensions, partial or full wigs for your daughter.  I started wearing a partial wig and then various types of wigs and just told people I straightened my hair (I have curly hair). I went to Suzanne's wigs in Sydney CBD but I'm sure there are many other places with really good quality wigs out there now! There are also some great people on instagram who try to normalise having no hair or wearing wigs. I'd recommend @hairlossboss , @abbywrenartistry , @goldylosthair and @shannondooley84 on instagram. 


People may think it is a bit vain to worry about when you have big health issues to worry about, but it's impossible to understand the profound impact on self esteem and confidence without experiencing it, so I really feel for you! 


Gaby x

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Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Exactly right Katherine, it's not a helpful thing to say to someone going through it!

I'm glad to hear you have come out the other side of your depression and congratulations on your pregnancy! I found going through this in the covid era stopped me from planning ahead as I had no way of predicting how things would turn out. I recently went overseas with my family and felt much more positive about having goals again but also gained perspective that I need to put myself first more. Unfortunately my workplace was not very supportive of my experience and I felt the pressure to go back to work WAY too soon after surgery.


I'm wondering how much time you (or others) gave yourself to recover before going back to work? And did you have huge neck/back problems following treatment? I have had constant migraines and back/neck pain ever since. It feels like the last couple of years of trying to push through have caught up with me and my body is not coping with my work demands (my work is very active and full on). I am now considering trying to move to part time work so that I can put more time into my rehab which has included finding spaces like these on the Cancer Council!

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Re: Sharing thyroid cancer experience

Hi Gaby,


First of all, I want to acknowledge how tough your journey has been. Thyroid cancer and the subsequent surgeries are significant, and it's completely normal to still be processing everything you went through. The fact that you’re still dealing with physical recovery and work challenges is a lot to handle.


It’s important to remember that no cancer diagnosis is “good,” and your feelings and experiences are valid. The term “good cancer” can minimize what you’ve been through and the real struggles you face in your recovery. You absolutely deserve support and understanding, just like anyone else.


The main thing to remember is that it is extremely important to use only proven and reliable pharmacies to obtain the necessary medicines of the best quality, because the entire outcome of your treatment depends on it. My recommendation is the pharmacy, which I have been using personally for a long time, I am always satisfied with the quality and price -


Take care of yourself and remember, you’re not alone in this !

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