


Hey peeps, I was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell NHL in August 2013 at the age of 25. I underwent 6 cycles of CHOP and have been in remission since January 2014. My 12 month scan is coming up soon which is a bit nerve racking. Sometimes I worry about the cancer coming back and cutting my life short but I try not to think about it too much. I actually had my cards read for the first time recently and the fortune teller said that the cancer part of my life was over and there are lots of positive things ahead of me so that's encouraging I guess. I still have ongoing fatigue from chemo but it's slowly improving. I live in a rural isolated area so I thought this would be a good way to connect with others in the same boat. 🙂
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Occasional Contributor

Re: hey

Hello nello, I hope your four tune tellers right. I've just joined the " boat" Hope all goes well for you.
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Re: hey

Hi Fergie, Welcome aboard! Are you in remission or just been diagnosed? If it's the former, hooray!! If it's the latter, I'm sorry to hear that. If you have any questions or want some advice, don't hesitate to give us a yell. I have a lot of time on my hands - it won't be bothersome! 🙂
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Occasional Contributor

Re: hey

G'day, nice to talk to you. I'm new to this sort of stuff, I don't even use Facebook. Alto I've been sick for a while, I was only diagnosed last month, heap of tests, heaps of scans and heap of doctors. Emotions are pretty close to the surface, so it would be nice to talk to someone who's been through it. I have an operation coming up shortly.
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