Appendiceal Cancer

Occasional Contributor

Appendiceal Cancer

I last contacted this website last September when I went on a little rant about waiting for surgery for suspected Ovarian cancer. I was very anxious about it at the time and gained some relief by discussing it. I cannot remember now which page I connected with so have started again! During debulking surgery I was found to have appendiceal cancer with pseudomyxoma peritonei, not ovarian cancer. The prognosis was better for me in that this is a slow growing cancer, not usually entering the blood stream but being contained in the pelvic area. Further scans have revealed residual areas of cancer needing further surgery and I am now on the waiting list for that - another huge operation. My point in writing at this time is that there are no Australian websites discussing appendiceal cancers, although there are plenty of American and European ones. I would like to know the prevalence of this cancer in Australia and likely prognosis. It is apparently rather rare although during hospital visits staff are quick to say that they treat many patients with my diagnosis. Does anyone know of an Australian website I could log into for this?
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