Cancer Patient Retreat

Occasional Contributor

Cancer Patient Retreat

Hello there. Would like to ask a question of everyone interested. I am a breast cancer survivor. I have had three different episodes. With each episode I had to either completely forego work or work partime. Lack of funds meant I couldn't go to have a break. For example, a retreat or holiday. This I wanted badly but just couldn't affort it. If you had the opportunity for a break, retreat, what would you be expecting? Just a question and am throwing it out there :) Annie
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Re: Cancer Patient Retreat

Ok, I'll take you up on this Anne333 :) For me I would want as less imposing on me as possible. Like I would probably not want too much stimulation - music, or people telling me anything, or instructing me on anything, at least until I stopped and settled. A space where I could stop - and for me - be with nature, and catch up with myself. It would be graet if there was a pool and spa, or some water somewhere too. Maybe different area sectioned off, each with a different atmosphere. When do you open this retreat? Ps, I'm sorry you didn't get that break for yourself, I felt for you.
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Re: Cancer Patient Retreat

ok, I retract that question - I'm looking at the farm now - amazing! Good for you :) Omg, you've got alpachas :P Any other ideas I come up with I'll send your way.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Cancer Patient Retreat

Hey Sarah thank you so much for your information. I guess everyone is an expert at opening a retreat but does anyone actually ask the patient?? I know it doesn't only affect the cancer victim, it's the whole family but still, the farm and cottages we have are mainly couples only but big enough to share for two adults and two small kids. Thanks again for your feed back and yes, we have alpacas, cows, sheep, lambs, ponies and dogs. We also have chickens, guinea fowls and geese. We give the people who stay with us the opportunity to help with chores or if they wish, escape on the 106 acres and enjoy the peace. We currently have English people staying this week and they saw a wombat for the first time ever. Tomorrow they get to see the echidnas. Cannot wait to see their faces 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more views..
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Cancer Patient Retreat/ Annie333

Annie333 Is this your farm? Do you have the retreat? I am also a breast cancer survivor with 2 teenagers. We unfortunately did a ton of renovations to our house which were in the process before I got sick so money is very tight right now and although everyone tells me I need to go away I don't know where to go. Can't afford much at all. Any recommendations? Thanks survivorsays
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Cancer Patient Retreat/ Annie333

Hi there, I have just Pm'd you 😄 take care Annie
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