How rare is it?

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How rare is it?

My husband was diagnosed February 2020 with oesophagus cancer and has had most of his stomach and oesophagus cut out. I was told this type of cancer is rare, and that once you have it it's hard to go into remission. Does anyone have any more info?

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New Contributor

Re: How rare is it?

I have also just found that my daughters created a fund for him!  It brought me to tears & I encourage everyone to try and start one to gain some moral and financial support. The more prayers we could get the better.


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Re: How rare is it?

I'm on a number of cancer forums and from what I've seen on other forums, oesophogeal cancer isn't particularly rare.  There could be something about your husband's particular presentation which makes it rare, though.

Did your husband have chemotherapy before and after surgery, and if so what kind?


As you appear to be in the US, it may be difficult for us to give you much useful information as our healthcare system is very different to yours.

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