Radiowave Therapy Clinic

New Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi Kaylene, 


Thank you so much. I can see Ray Martin is on X but I'm not unfortunately, so I have asked someone I know if they can help me, even to find out if Ray has any more up to date information. Fingers, toes and everything crossed he does! 


I'm so glad you're doing so well after all these years. I'm sincerely hoping I can find an alternative, effective treatment for my friend as she truly deserves it! 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there.

I’ll hop on to X and see if I can leave a message. Have a wonderful Christmas and I wish  your friend all the very best. 

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New Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi Kaylene,


Thank you so much - I really can't thank you enough - you're an absolute star! 🌟 


And thank you - I will pass your wishes on.


Have a wonderful Christmas too!

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