BCC skin cancer

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BCC skin cancer

Hi all , I have BCC skin cancer just below my right eye . 
I had a biopsy to confirm BCC after results , been told by Drs that it’s just a slow growing cancer , not to be to concerned 
I am an emotional person , and very concerned about the decision, just want to get it removed as soon as possible , not to wait long time at all .

Finding it difficult to get a Dr to have it removed , UNTILL late in the new year 2025 , no one is prepared to do something about it with in days not couple of months  .
I just don’t understand while this cancer isn’t severe at the moment why they don’t operate straight away after being diagnosed .

My understanding with cancer it’s there , unless removed it will grow and the longer it doesn’t get treated it will grow to a stage where it has done more tissue damage and spread .


We as people  in some cases just move on with life and don’t stress about it  , with others it effects in different ways like myself stressing . 
This is my second lot of cancer I have got , had my prostate removal , then after blood test with inn12 months the cancer has returned after been detected.again.
Now I have skin cancer from the Sun Uv . 
should I be stressing out so much , or just get  on with life .
There are other unfortunate people out there that have far worse cancer life threatening than my self.
 I guess I’m asking the question if others are in a similar situation as myself . Ken 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: BCC skin cancer

Ken 18au,

Thank you for reaching out and voicing your concern. I can't imagine how stressful it must be knowing you have that cancer in you.

Unfortunately I can't comment or provide advice relating to the reasons doctors have not to operate. I am sure you have asked for their reasons, but sometimes it is not easy to understand why.

I really hope that one of our members could share a similar experience with you, hoping it could give you some clarity about operating soon or not.

If you reside in Australia I would like to suggest calling our information and support line on 131120, one of our lovely oncologist nurses could provide some assistance.

This line will be open during the festive season except on December 25 and January 1.

You can also read some information about CCB Cancer in the link below.





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Cancer Council 

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Re: BCC skin cancer

Hi @Ken18au ,

Sorry about the stress you're going through.

Are you having any treatment for your prostrate?

If it's a BCC maybe you could get another opinion from a Doctor, or at least ask to be referred to a Dermatologist, as I agree, it is best to get them removed sooner rather than later

I can understand your fears as I've had quite a few of these skin cancers too, but always had them cut out.

If it was me I'd be insisting on seeing another doctor preferably a skin specialist.

Right now around the holiday season, a lot of doctors & specialists are not working, but soon you should be able to see someone.

Sometimes you just have to push, stick up for yourself, please let us know how it goes.

Thinking of you and hoping for the best,


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