Community Guidelines

Valued Contributor

Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Cancer Council Online Community!


This is a safe space for anyone affected by cancer to share their stories, find information and support, as well as to connect with others like you.


To help keep the Cancer Council Online Community safe and inclusive place to be, we have a few simple guidelines...


Be considerate of other posters on this site. We are an incredibly diverse community of people, where everyone has the right to feel welcome and to have their say. You might not always get on or agree with another’s opinion, but you should be respectful in any posts you make on this site.


Report the bad stuff so we can keep the Cancer Council Online Community a friendly place to be. If you see a post or comment that you think is abusive, please report it. With your help, we can make a difference.


Jump on in! Don't be afraid to join in the conversations happening in the forums, groups or anywhere around the site. Everyone was new at some point, maybe post a quick hello introducing yourself to get started. If you need any help, just ask; we don’t bite!


Don't swear excessively, post offensive content or use otherwise abusive language. Anything of a sexually explicit nature, bullying, use of slurs or otherwise aggressive behaviour is likewise not welcome on this site and will be removed at the discretion of Cancer Council.


Don't threaten others! Harassment of others, making threats to someone, using the site to defame or impersonate another person… these are not acceptable actions of any one that is part of our Community.


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