Deciphering Ultrasound!! Need your opinions and experiences

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Deciphering Ultrasound!! Need your opinions and experiences

My 3 year old has an appointment next week at the Seattle Children's Hospital... hopefully we will have answers soon. However we had an ultrasound recently. The radiologists believes his lump is vein because he sees Chambers. There's no blood flow going in and out, but he believes he has a congenital blood clot. However, when I compare his ultrasound with any ultrasound that looks like his photos... it seems to look like lymphoma. Does anything have experience with Lymphoma Ultrasounds? What do you think? I am trying to do my due diligence as his mother and rule out all possibilities. I have a picture of his lump (it waxes and wanes 3 times over the last 9 months),a picture of Arlo's ultrasound which will be labeled and a picture of Lymphoma Lymph node that I found online. 

Thank you for your help and appreciate any response. 


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Re: Deciphering Ultrasound!! Need your opinions and experiences


 this is Arlo's ultrasound! Sorry... I had trouble attaching to the original message.

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