I’m new here

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I’m new here

Hi my name is Julie, I’ve had breast cancer twice and I’m currently waiting on pet and cat scan results because of some suspect looking lymph nodes. I also have to have a biopsy on my neck because of some nodes on my thyroid and throat. So I’m quite anxious atm.

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Re: I’m new here

Hi Julie,

The waiting game is awful. It's always awful no matter how many times you go through it.

How long ago were yous previous cancer teatments?


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New Contributor

Re: I’m new here

My first treatment started in 2017 and included chemo, a mastectomy, lymph node removal radiation and herceptin. The second was in 2021 and was a mastectomy. 

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Re: I’m new here

Have you had your biopsy yet? Hope everything is ok.

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Re: I’m new here

The doctor decided not to and to do another scan in a month.which is a relief because I just found out I have golden staph on my skin/ face and I’ve already recently had sepsis.

the results of the pet scan show two lymph nodes they want to biopsy but the doctor wants me to see an infectious disease doctor first….

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