Introducing myself

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Introducing myself

Originally diag with low grade glioma in temporal lobe in first week dec last year . Had a craniotomy to remove glioma in feb this year sent off to lab and molecular studies and results came back after 4 months and BANG now it was a grade 4 glioblastoma. Have done 6 weeks radio and oral chemo. This has changed my whole life i was a emergency nurse of 14 years one minute to not being able to drive or wk. 

currently on cycle 2 of chemo. 
interested to see if similar change in diag has happened to anyone else . 

Cancer Council Team

Re: Introducing myself

Hi Dani, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  It's a lot to come to terms with.  If there isn't anyone on this forum who has the same diagnosis, you could check out websites that specialize in in brain tumours.  If you live in Australia, the Cancer Council has a telephone support group, for people with a brain tumour, this is a link for some information - Support groups | Cancer Council, you can also call 13 11 20, they are open Monday to Friday 9-5.  If you live outside of Australia, you could speak to your medical team or search online for support groups, or forums that specialize in Brain Tumours.  Someone on this site, may also reply to you.  Good luck, I hope you find the support you are looking for. 

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