Struggling with getting spark back with my partner

Occasional Visitor

Struggling with getting spark back with my partner

My boyfriend (36) and I (19) had only been dating four months when we found out he had Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I put my life on pause to look after him and support him in every way possible. Even during his 5 month treatment he was the sweetest man and making sure I was looking after myself. He would check that i’ve eaten, had water, been sleeping etc, and would always tell me he loves and appreciates me. I’m so thankful to say he won the battle against his illness and has been cancer free for a few months. He’s been back to his normal life, however, I’ve noticed a drastic change in our relationship. He doesn’t seem as loving, caring or romantic as he once was. I’m very aware that cancer changes people due to everything they go through, and i’ve been doing my best to help him in recovery. I feel selfish saying this but I feel neglected within our relationship and i’ve brought it up multiple times, but he doesn’t see it. I still love this man so much and he says he loves me, so i’m reaching out to this community in hopes someone can help me 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Struggling with getting spark back with my partner

Hello elise.  Thank you for joining and posting here.  I can hear how much you care for your partner and want your relationship to work.  This forum is a wonderful space and hopefully you will find care and support from others who have experienced this.  A reminder that if you are In Australia you can call our 131120 team for a confidential discussion about your situation.  Kind regards ... Joseph_CCNSW

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