Is cancer becoming more common in younger people?

Occasional Contributor

Re: Is cancer becoming more common in younger people?

A bit late to this thread, but I agree with the "blame road". There are probably lots of contributing factors as to why we get cancer, one of those just "bad luck". Why did one of my mother's DNA's warp? Why also did we manage to have such a strong "line" in our family (4 of 4 direct descendents with the gene and 4 of 5 grandchildren with the gene). I just try to accept that this can happen and was "meant" to occur - would not have made any difference with change of lifestyle. Some cancers, such as melanoma can mostly be avoided, a large number of lung cancers can be avoided - but NOT all - with lifestyle choices. I also believe that we have to enjoy ourselves while we are alive, and the things that supposedly have a chance of causing cancer (carcinogens) can change as research is done. So, we have to decide on enjoy life to the fullest and live with the consequences, including other diseases, live stringently along the "safe" lines and hope that we don't get anything bad (impossible to do so), or live in moderation and enjoy the "bad things" now and then to give our lives some "fun". I think that as long as you are happy with your decisions about how you live, and that you accept any consequence, then just go ahead and do so. I find that as long as I try not to "hurt" anyone else, especially deliberately, and try to help others where I can put my energy, then I am happy with my life. craftyone
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