My husband’s cancer

New Contributor

My husband’s cancer

Hi guys

My husband has stage 4 cancer liver and bowel, over a year on treatment doing ok so far no bad side effects.

I stay positive and I work as he isn’t up to working.

I feel very down today like it’s all catching up with me.

I look at him everyday thinking he will be dead in a year it’s like a waiting game.

most says we have good days I’m grateful for that.

today I am worried about money n shit feeling a deep dread in the pit of my stomach and hiding away in my office, trying not to cry.

I do have support but I don’t want to burden them as it’s the kids and family.

I will head out for a walk now thanks for reading this feels better just writing it out.

wishing every one well xxx



Regular Contributor

Re: My husband’s cancer

Hi Angie, so sorry for your situation with your husband. All of us on this forum can relate to your feelings, either as a cancer sufferer or as the carer. It’s just so hard😢. Glad you have family around you but you definitely need someone to be able to let your feelings out with. The cancer council are a great support and maybe you could give them a call.   You are being amazing standing with your husband through his illness and working as well. Sending you love and prayers 🙏💕. Linda 

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New Contributor

Re: My husband’s cancer

Thank you so much. 
I don’t normally get such low moods but it builds up.

I am feeling better thank you for your kind words

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New Contributor

Re: My husband’s cancer

Linda I will reach out to them and we have been together over 42 years and best friends 

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