Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Frequent Contributor

Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Jennifer66 ,

Well I did get very sick and had to go back into hospital, but at home now and still not well but I guess the chemo still in me slows down healing, I'm still Imuno compromised.

Can't wait till next year hope it brings us all a better year and better health!

Happy Christmas everyone ❣️


Frequent Contributor

Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Cindi54 

I’m so sorry with  what must feel like you have been kicked in the guts  again, especially to land back in hospital 

I do hope you can feel better quickly, you are having such a rotten journey 

 it has to get better and you are so incredibly strong alwsys looking on  he bright side 


stay strong incredible fighter 



Frequent Contributor

Re: Nervously waiting for liver biopsy results

Hi @Jennifer66 ,


thanks Jennifer, it means a lot, you're strong too, I think we have to be.


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