
Occasional Contributor

Re: New

That was a FANTASTIC update!!! I’m so happy for you!! I’ll keep praying the completely obliterate the tumors. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! 
I’m good too, mostly heavy grieving and it’s a lot of trauma for me because going through any form of cancer in your family’s life is very traumatic. Thanks for asking. It’s much better now thanks to loads of prayer. Keep fighting! 

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

I had my bowel resection ( 20 cm) Feb 1st and I had 2 rounds of chemo with 1 type and 2 rounds of chemo with 2 types now. ( 4 rounds completed) The second one is to kill the  cancer cells in the liver as there are 4 of them spread apart so inoperable at this stage. I have not had a scan yet since starting chemo but that is due in 3 weeks time. 😬😬😬
that’s the scary part as I actually feel well besides some tingling in the hands. 
While I am on this new chemo, I can’t have surgery for 6 weeks, if that is possible. 
gives me hope, that you mentioned yours was inoperable and now your going to have surgery. That’s wonderful news. 
your diagnoses is a mirror image of mine and I hope it continues that way…so please keep updating as it’s surely helping me and I am sure others.

all The very best for the surgery. Sending positive vibes your way. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Hello Lol,


Great news to hear that your tumours have shrunk have shrunk, praise God. So have mine up to 50% at last CT scan.


Please note that you very much on my prayer list It is is your faith in Christ Jesus that will get you through. Or for that matter anyone us getting through.


God Bless

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

I’ll pray for both of you that God bless and heal you in the name of Jesus.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Hallelujah! I’m so happy to hear your news!
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

I’m sending positive vibes to all on this thread! 🥰🤗

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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

You’re on my prayer list you beautiful-souled person. 🥰🙏
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Hi everyone just posting a quick update 😀

I have just had my second surgery (first one bowel resection in feb) a liver resection open surgery and removed 50% of my liver and I am 4 weeks post op and feeling pretty good back to mum duties haha. I am waiting for my appointment with my oncologist to discuss my next steps maybe chemo but I’m not that keen however will see what the next lot of scans show and go from there. I’m staying positive and so proud I am where I am, last October it was all doom and gloom and today I’m here I’m myself with no restrictions on my life. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

That’s so wonderful to hear. 👏👏

Enjoy those Mumma  duties. 

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