Frizzy hair regrowth

Occasional Contributor

Frizzy hair regrowth

  • Hi everyone!  I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early September 2022 and underwent chemo then radiotherapy. My  normally  straight fine grey hair is regrowing curly and frizzy.  Any tips on smoothing it out? It’s about 8 cms long and seems to have more body than before but the frizz and feel is more like fur than hair! Has anyone got a “leave-in “conditioner they can recommend? There are a lot to choose from. Thank you!
Super Contributor

Re: Frizzy hair regrowth

I wish I had an answer for you!

Every time I have a general anaesthetic I end up with more grey hairs.

While not exactly the same as yours I thought I would respond.

Unfortunately there's no solution for grey hairs either.

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Re: Frizzy hair regrowth

Hi, when my hair started growing back it was just so uncontrollable!! Sticking out at all different angles. Didn’t like it at all. The longer it got the curlier it was and I actually started to like it. I finally got it cut and the curls all went and now it’s mostly straight again. So if you get yours cut maybe the frizz will go away! 💕 Linda 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Frizzy hair regrowth

Thanks Linda. I think a trim might help as I have some longer straight hairs among the curls which are the leftovers from my original hair that didn’t fall out. Quite a combo! My daughter found an old tube of leave-ln conditioner in the cupboard so I ‘ll try that too. Even when we are dying we women still like to look the best we can! Best wishes and good health.😊
Occasional Contributor

Re: Frizzy hair regrowth

How about hair dye for those sneaky little greys?😄😄😄
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