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Hello everyone.
I never thought I would be joining a cancer forum at 40.
I have never had any surgery or medical issues in my life.
About 8 months ago I had some blood in my urine and went to hospital. They diagnosed me with a kidney stone. I continued to every now and then have minor blood at the end of my stream so I went to my GC. He sent me to a urologist and he did a cysto Friday. He asked me to look at the screen and told me the bad news. I have a tumor that looked liked cauliflower type thing.
Obviously with having 4 young children and a beautiful wife of 15 years it has hit me emotionally hard.
The dr had told me the treatment that he recommends which is the following.
- on the 24th of this month I will go to an outpatient facility to have the tumor removed.
- I will then have a chemo wash.
- every 3 months for next 2 years I will have a cysto to check for cancer then 6 months to a year for rest of life.
Does this sound correct? Is there a good chance of survival for me? The doctor said it looks as if the tumor is only on the outside wall.
I also got an mri ct scan and they said the cancer is only in bladder.
‘For all for those who love me I will work for their good’
Thanks and I pray for peace for everyone who gets the news.
Hello, sorry to hear of your diagnosis but it’s good news that it is only in your bladder. I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma in February and understand the fear and anxiety at the start. Once the treatment started it got better so I hope that you will feel better about it all too. Hope it goes well for you next week. Get all the support you need from the Cancer Council. They are amazing! LindaG
Hi. Thank you for writing me.
I have not talked any treatment other than removal vis surgery next week.
I believe the dr said once he removes he will send to lab to figure out what kind etc it is.
I was thinking he was probably waiting on that until he talks treatment.
That being said I was just diagnosed a few days ago and really have no clue what I am doing yet.
He did say he will shave off the tumor then give me a chemo wash inside the bladder.
He also said with the scope and the scans he believes it’s more on the outside wall but cannot tell me exactly how deep it goes. Once he shaves it he will be able to tell the depth.
He also said it looks like tumor is fairly large and as it’s been in there for a year or so but has grown out instead of deep but won’t really know until surgery.
Does this sound correct?